Learning to Fly - Basic Paragliding Flight Training

Learn to fly with us!

If you are considering learning to fly or improving your skills, then you are about to embark on a journey toward competency in free flight that less than 1% of humans experience. The sport is exciting and fulfilling (as you may already know) and you will become a member of a community of pilots worldwide. We look forward to working with you. Our goal is to provide you a safe and educational experience with the final outcome of assuring you have the confidence and knowledge to fly on your own, within reasonable and regulatory limitations.

We are experienced pilots and certified advanced instructors. Our resident PhD prepared a progression curriculum combining lecture, practical and tandem to take you from walk to fly in the safest and most efficient manner possible. You can learn to fly on your own is 1 month depending on weather.

We use a combination of ground school to provide the theory and practical exercises on the ground or in the simulator to give you the feel before you start flying. We also use tandem flights so that you have the experience with one of our veteran instructors before you start flying on your own. We want you to be prepared for the experience. Most of all, our job is to give you the confidence and skills to fly on your own!

Drop us a line and learn to fly. Before you know it, you'll be making BIG flights!
